- Koto Mining Pool
Welcome to
Koto Mining Pool
  • Minimum payout: 0.1 KOTO / 最低支払額: 0.1 KOTO
  • Payment interval: 10 min. / 支払間隔: 10分
  • Pool fee: 0.5% / 使用手数料: 0.5%
  • Payment method: PROP / 支払方法: PROP
Last updates
  • Apr/20/2024 Changed minimum payout to 0.1.
  • Jan/06/2024 Updated kotod to 4.5.5.
  • Feb/08/2023 Updated kotod to 4.5.4.
  • Aug/18/2022 Updated kotod to 4.5.3.
  • Mar/03/2022 Updated kotod to 4.5.2.
  • Oct/06/2021 Updated kotod to 4.5.1.
  • Pool and Network Stats
     Coin: Koto
     Miners Online: 0
     Workers Online: 0
     Pool H/s: 0 Hash/s
     Pool Fee: 0.5 %
     Min Pay: 0.1 KOTO
     Block Height: 3586599
     Network H/s: 8.06 KHash/s
     Difficulty: 67.92708759
     Node Connections: 22
     Daemon: /MagicBean:4.5.5/
     Luck: Infinity Days
    koto Minerd Settings
    Username: {your koto address}.{worker name}
    Algorithm: yescryptR8G
    Mobile(difficulty 0.01): stratum+tcp://
    Middle(difficulty 0.5): stratum+tcp://
    High(difficulty 1): stratum+tcp://
    Cloud(difficulty 5): stratum+tcp://
    e.g.: minerd -a yescryptR8G -o stratum+tcp:// -u {Address}.{Worker}
    Servers Infomation
      United States
     New York
     DDoS Protected
     High spec CPUs
     Large capacity RAM
     DDoS Protected
     High spec CPUs
     Large capacity RAM
     Frankfurt am Main
     DDoS Protected
     High spec CPUs
     Large capacity RAM
    Mining server will be automatically selected from your location. Powerd by Cloudflare